HLP Systems, Inc. Undergoes First Major Corporate Rebrand

HLP Systems, Inc., Chicago and greater Illinois’ preferred provider of lightning protection and grounding systems, today announced completion of its first significant corporate rebrand. The exercise culminated in a new logo and identity suite, the defining tagline: Lightning Protection at the Highest Level—a play on HLP Systems’ high-rise specialization—an updated social media presence, and the new corporate website hlpsystems.com.

“The process hinged on what our branding partner called the ‘authenticity model.’ By telling only the truth of who we are, what we do, who we do it for and what those customers have to say about us, we set an expectation for the experience and solutions we deliver.” HLP Systems President Jeffrey Harger continued, “Our brand identity has caught pace with the advanced systems we’ve designed and delivered for the better part of the last six decades. As commercial and residential building evolves to almost entirely SMART applications and technology, our services continue to evolve to meet the needs of those commercial and residential property owners.”

Chicago’s skyline is a living portfolio of HLP Systems-protected projects. All of the city’s top twenty tallest buildings are HLP Systems projects. “This is our backyard.” The company is located in Libertyville, Illinois, just outside Chicago. Jeffrey Harger concluded, “High-rises are unforgiving workspaces. There’s a level of specialization that we’ve acquired over the course of thousands of projects. Our customers take confidence in the quality and suitability of our materials, systems and applications, and the safety of our teams and their processes.”